Promote patent application transformation and assist enterprises in high-quality development

Recently, an expert team organized by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Jingmen City and Duodao District came to Hubei Wanglin New Materials Technology Co., Ltd., one of the member factories of Zhongtritium, to conduct research and understand the company’s progress in promoting the transformation of patent applications.
Promote patent application transformation and assist enterprises in high-quality development
The expert team came to the production plant to check on-site the transformation and application of unsaturated polyester resin related invention patents. The company’s accompanying personnel explained in detail the issues that the experts were concerned about. The expert group fully affirmed Wanglin’s work and achievements in intellectual property management and transformation, and pointed out that enterprises should continue their efforts, make full use of Jingmen City’s enterprise-friendly policies on intellectual property, actively carry out patent transformation and utilization, and improve Wanglin’s brand and economic benefits will promote the development of enterprises to higher quality.
Promote patent application transformation and assist enterprises in high-quality development


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